[cryptocurrency_widget type=”leaderboard” symbol=”KIN~USD” template=”basic” color=”default”]

Breaking News

Preview News

Kin token is extension for Kik chat app, which will allow users to interact with Kin token between each other.

Verified network (?)

HW wallet (?)

300 millions registered users (?)

Live product (?)

Community (?)

Traded only on small exchanges (?)

 Start date: 27/09/2017

 ICO Price: 0.00000043 ETH

 System: ETH DApp

Country of foudation:  Ontario, Canada

The Kin Ecosystem is a community of partners—digital services and applications—that adopt Kin as their currency. The foundation acts as an independent, nonprofit and democratic governance body for the members of this ecosystem.

source: http://kinecosystem.org/about

1 month 1. – 31.3.2018 – 37,41%
6 months 1.10.2017 – 31.3.2018 + 111,49%

Project Timeline

[timeline id=2899]