[cryptocurrency_widget type=”leaderboard” symbol=”WAVES~USD” template=”basic” color=”default”]

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Waves is the platform where you can store, trade your Fiat money and crypto assets on built-in waves’ decentralized exchange (DEX). Also, you can issue own tokens or ICO on Waves platform. In future, it will be added smart contracts function to the network.

Built in Decentralized exchange (?)

You can easily issue own Tokens in Waves platform (?)

HW wallet (?)

Verified network (?)

 Start date: 04/12/2016

 ICO Price: 0.188 USD

 System: Leased Proof of Stake

Country of foudation:  Moscow, Russian Federation

Enjoy the benefits of high network throughput capacity, low latency and low transaction fees.
Store assets securely in the local lite client, whilst also trading them quickly and safely on the built-in decentralised exchange (DEX).
Issue your own blockchain token to give your business a head start – whatever your needs: crowdfunding, loyalty programs, voting and more.

source: https://wavesplatform.com/

Project Timeline

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